Getting paid to do a job is a significant benefit for many. When an injury occurs in the process of trying to complete a job, it can hinder the ability to earn an income and pay for daily expenses. Workers’ compensation insurance benefits were created to cover the costs of an injury/and or death that occurs at work. Although it is considered a benefit to many, Illinois employees may find it difficult to file a claim for a work injury. Sadly, a man died on the job in another state, and his family may be eligible to file their own claim for death benefits.
The accident occurred on Walt Disney World property. The 61-year-old man was employed by a company that used food waste from the Disney property to convert into usable energy. Reportedly, the grease and oil waste was being dumped from a semi-truck into a large container or vat.
The details are not known, but the man somehow fell into the food waste. Understandably, he was shocked and overwhelmed by the circumstances, and he sank deeper into the oil, unable to be rescued. Witnesses reported they attempted to save the man, but he died before professional rescue could arrive.
Unfortunately, fatal work injuries are not uncommon. Losing a loved one suddenly can be a shock to a family, and it may be difficult to process the instant life changes. Most workers’ compensation programs offer death benefits to qualified family members. While compensation does not replace the life of a loved one, it can help cover funeral expenses. Many families find comfort in having a skilled Illinois attorney to help assist them with filing a claim.