Sadly, the human body is often no match for the impact of most motor vehicles. Unfortunately, tragic pedestrian accidents are not uncommon. Depending on the circumstances of each case, personal injury attorneys are able to assist some victims or family members of deceased victims obtain legal recourse. One family and the University of Illinois recently received tragic news about the death of one of its students following a hit-and-run accident.
Reportedly, the student was involved in a two-car accident in the southbound lanes of Interstate 57 at night. The student was found some distance south of the original accident and had been killed. Authorities believe he was hit by a large vehicle and are searching for witnesses. One witness reported observing three different vehicles near the location of the student’s body, but all three drove away once the witness pulled over on the side of the interstate.
Authorities have not yet determined why the student was walking on foot on the interstate. Some believe that he may have been looking for help or a ride following his original accident. Although authorities do not know who struck the student, they believe that evidence indicates that it may have been a large tractor-trailer.
Although the investigation in this case is still pending, authorities will be sure to strive to locate the hit-and-run driver. In similar cases, when a driver is located, families may be able to file a lawsuit in civil court to seek legal recourse. Personal injury attorneys in Illinois can examine the available evidence and advise families for the best legal option.
Source: illinoishomepage.net, “Leads sought in fatal hit-&-run of wrestler“, Betty Simpson, March 22, 2019