Car accidents are unfortunately a common occurrence throughout Illinois. Many accidents are the result of negligent actions of a driver. Those who can walk away from a collision with no injuries are fortunate, but many suffer serious injuries that can impact a person’s way of life temporarily or permanently. Unexpected medical bills quickly follow any unexpected injury. Four travelers recently suffered personal injury after a multi-vehicle collision.
Accident investigators have not determined and/or revealed the events that may have resulted in the three-car collision. Whatever the cause, one sedan began the chain reaction when it struck another sedan. Within the two sedans, there were three occupants who all suffered injuries.
The collision caused one of the sedans to lose control and resulted in a second collision with a van. The driver of the van was taken to an area hospital for medical treatment. The injured occupants of the sedans were also treated in medical facilities. All of the injured parties are expected to survive their injuries.
Injured accident victims may not understand the enormity of medical expenses until weeks after treatment. Medical and property expenses as a result of an accident can result in a significant financial burden for any individual or family. Personal injury attorneys in Illinois can review any accident case and its collected evidence to help victims determine if financial compensation can be garnered from presumed negligent parties. If a lawsuit in civil court is not appropriate, attorneys may be of assistance throughout the process of filing an insurance claim.
Source: Plainfield, IL Patch, “Crash Injures 4, Shuts Down Route 30 In Plainfield“, Shannon Antinori, Dec. 14, 2017