Motorcycle and bicycle riders are likely aware of the dangers that exist on Illinois roadways. Over the years, wearing a helmet is one safety feature that many riders use to protect themselves from injury in the event of an accident. One man has claimed in a personal injury lawsuit that adequate warning was missing on his helmet, which he claims contributed to his injury.
The motorcyclist suffered an unfortunate accident with a pickup truck. Among other problems, he suffered a traumatic brain injury. In addition to $100,000 in medical bills have cost him, he claims that he continues to suffer permanent, disfiguring and painful symptoms.
The man was wearing a helmet at the time of the accident, yet he still suffered head injuries. He has filed a lawsuit against the manufacturer of the helmet and the store that sold the helmets. He alleges that warnings to indicate the helmet was not suitable for travel on a highway were missing on the product. He also claims the helmet was not designed to withstand some of the blunt force that could reasonably be expected with a motorcycle accident.
Illinois attorneys understand the uphill battle many motorcycle riders face with making insurance claims following an accident due to the stereotype that many bikers are risky drivers. Attorneys can examine an individual’s case according to the details of the accident and the available evidence. As in this man’s case, personal injury claims may be made against any party whose apparent negligence caused or substantially contributed to an accident and resulting injuries.