The passing of Labor Day is an important time for automakers. Essentially, the newest models grace showrooms and later models are phased out. Many 2018 models feature state-of-the –art crash avoidance systems, including lane integrity warning systems, proximity warning systems, and park assist systems.
These advancements are described as the first steps in what will eventually become autonomous (self-driving) cars. Another potential safety advancement has to do with technology that can read a driver’s eyes to determine if he or she is fatigued or distracted enough to be a danger to other drivers. The technology is currently being tested and developed by General Motors.
The idea behind the technology is that if the car can see a driver nodding off, or spending too much time fixated on one object, the car can warn the driver, or at least employ some of the automatic safety features that could prevent a crash.
While the features may be impressive, it exemplifies a driver’s duty to use reasonable care while behind the wheel. Drivers must limit distractions that could take their eyes off the road, or inhibit their ability to see and react to hazards. Should a driver breach this duty, and the breach leads to an accident where others are injured, the offending driver could be held liable for the ensuing injuries. Essentially, those injured in the crash can sue to obtain compensation for their injuries, pain and suffering, lost wages and medical expenses.
In the meantime, it remains to be seen when this technology will be featured in new cars.